Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear God

4/21/2009 6:02:14 AM

Dear God:

Once again I come to you with sorrow on my heart my Lord.

Our BO President is really messing things up. I just read an article in the Investors Business Daily titled “inexcusable lapse.” That angered me.

Now there’s many more articles regarding what our BO (Barack Obama) administration is doing or not doing.

I just attended two tea parties. The last one was a week ago at the north Topeka Postal Annex and earlier at our statehouse grounds.

We’re now getting negative reports back from left-wingers and such. People are so ignorant my Lord. Can’t they see the destruction our administration is leading us?

We need your help Lord!

My left shoulder is still in therapy trying to spring back to it’s original position .. ie “frozen”. I’m still going to rebound therapy again to try to make it right. I need some spiritual help Lord. Why am I in pain? What caused this? I can’t rotate my left shoulder without going through #7-8 pain!
When will it heal? I’m getting down Lord. Need some help up there Jesus.

Sally’s computer keeps kicking her off the Internet. She has a virus or something. It takes her forever to open up anything, even our web. I asked to her call our #1 son, John, to come over and take it home with him. So far there’s no reply. Guess I’ll have to take it to a techy store myself.

My relationship with #1 is still non-existent. John does not recognize me as his father and consequently I do not recognize John as my son anymore. I have tried to mend this relationship but there’s just no communication there anymore my Lord. My #1 hand written bucket list web page is to get my son back. If/when that happens, I might , just might be able to have #2 crossed off also. Here’s the web address for my bucket list if anyone wants to follow along.


I try to update this monthly. Guess I need to get on my computer upstairs and get ‘er done as Larry the Cable guy likes to say.

Thanks for allowing me to vent again today my Lord.

I feel better.

Your servant,


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