To Do (Feb 16-22, 2009)

2/16/2009 6:13:17 AM


I will make a weekly todo list every Monday, hopefully.

1) Pray daily
2) Update my bucket list for Feb.
3) Blog to our web
4) Pay bills
5) Attned fpu on Thursday
6) Get hearing checked at VA on Tues.
7) Clean kitchen
8) Send off Sal to our church’s liturgy convention
9) Continue to study the market
10) Take my meds
11) Tell the folks about reliv
12) Call Topeka West to see if they have my business cards
13) Make love to wife (YA RIGHT .. LOL) We’re not caring anymore
14) Love Jesus and Sally
15) Continue to pray for my prodigal son, John
16) Clean garage (might need to wear a mask when moving the mouse vapors)
17) Go door to door promoting our web
18) Budget meeting with Sal
19) Give Mark our home entertainment system from the living room.
20) Get rid of STUFF!

That’s about it for this week.


  1. I forgot to mention to call my mother.

  2. 2/17/2009 5:30:09 AM


    Did I forget to mention taxes?

    I’m speaking of my TODO list as previously posted.

    This is NOT 2008 taxes, but 2007 taxes!

    Yes indeed, taxes can indeed be a boondoggle.

    A wise cliché once stated, “You only need to do two things in life, Die and pay taxes.”

    Sally and I are so unorganized!

    That’s about it for today.



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