29th & Fairlawn Topeka KS

29th & Fairlawn:

8/14/2009 5:00:51 AM

OK .. Let me write a little bit about yesterday.

Yesterday we had a public meeting @ French Junior High regarding the intersection of 29th ST & Fairlawn.

I live at 5112 SW 33rd ST in what is commonly referred to as the old farm addition.

Sally & I first moved into our present location in Nov. 1973, some 35 + years ago.

When we first moved her, our street was the last street as listed on a city map. Our children used to play in the fields south of us. There was a farm house where soutbrook apartments are now located. Sally & I are currently the oldest residing home owners on our block. The Springs across the street moved to a retirement community a few years ago.

Our children, John & Mark, don’t know of any other place growing up.

So I needed to go to this public meeting to see what the plans are for this intersection.


Here were my thoughts from earlier suggestions:

1) Elevation Parkway (too expensive)
2) Round a bout (public wouldn’t like it)
3) Another stop light off of I-470 (My suggestion)
4) Do Nothing (not feasible)

To see more details, go to


and learn more.

Myron Holter
Topeka KS


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